• Shiney Ahuja’s film Ghost releases 16 December

    MUMBAI: After an absence of almost three years from the film scene, Shiney Ahuja is making his comeback to Bollywood

  • Anil Kapoor to remake '24' for Indian audiences

    Submitted by ITV Production on Nov 09
    indiantelevision.com Team

    MUMBAI: Bollywood actor Anil Kapoor has reportedly signed a Rs 1 billion deal with 20th Century Fox to remake the popular US crime thriller series 24.

    Kapoor, who also starred in the last season of the show, will make the show for Indian audiences, playing the lead role of anti terrorist cell (ATC) agent Jack Bauer.

    In the original series, the role of Bauer is played by Kiefer Sutherland and every season (day) of the show depicts 24 hours in the life of the agent. Every episode of the show is the story of one hour of the day and it is shown realtime, with the clock never stopping.

    The Indian version of the show will see Kapoor making entry on the small screen as his Film Company will be producing it for the Indian market.

    "It will be a great honour for me to play Jack Bauer. Kiefer has created an iconic character which has inspired me to bring the franchise to India. This will be my first foray to Indian television and I look forward to duplicating the standard of excellence Fox has so successfully created," Kapoor said in a statement.

    Fox International president Marion Edwards added, "Anil?s passion for the series goes back to his time as a guest star on the show, and we?re excited to enable him to realise his vision of creating a new version of the series for his native India. We think this could pave the way for many more iterations of this brilliant series in other international territories down the road."

    Anil Kapoor
  • SRK buys Mumbai franchise of i1 Super Series

    Submitted by ITV Production on Nov 04
    indiantelevision.com Team

    MUMBAI: After the Indian Premier League (IPL) Bollywood star Shah Rukh Khan has turned his attention to motorsports.

    Along with the Kolkata knight Riders (KKR) partners, the Mehta Group, he has become the Mumbai franchise owners for the all new motorsport racing league i1 Super Series, an initiative by Machdar Motorsports. SRK?s involvement with the i1 Super Series is a boost for the championship that will commence early January 2012.

    The i1 Super Series, charted on the city based franchisee format, will have nine teams representing nine different cities from across the country with each team having an Indian and an International driver per car marking a new dimension to Indian Motorsports.

    Machdar Motorsports director Anjana Reddy said, "We are absolutely thrilled to welcome the Indian icon and Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan to the i1 Super Series as the franchisee holder for Mumbai. This announcement marks a momentous occasion for motorsports in India with one of the biggest stars in the country aligning with the highly anticipated i1 Super Series. Shah Rukh loved the concept and our vision to establish the i1 Super Series as a landmark in Indian Motorsports. i1 Super Series is going through a very exciting phase, the countdown to our first race has begun and we have lots more exciting news coming up shortly."

    Khan is convinced that the series will be one of the biggest sporting events in the country. "The i1 Super Series is a very interesting concept as it gets racing drivers from across the globe to partner with young Indian talent. After the inaugural Indian GP it is clear that motorsports is hugely popular in India and I strongly believe that this series will be a success with its one-of-a-kind concept. I have always tried to develop sports in the country in any way possible and we have recently taken a very professional approach to expanding our interests in various sports entertainment categories. The concept is similar to the IPL and I am confident that in the years to come this can become one of the biggest motorsport events in the world," Khan said.

    KKR CEO, MD Venky Mysore added, "This initiative is consistent with the vision of our shareholders to expand our business in the area of sports entertainment."

    Shah Rukh Khan
  • Sony Mix launches new show on 6 November

    Submitted by ITV Production on Nov 04
    indiantelevision.com Team

    MUMBAI: Multi Screen Media?s music channel Mix is gearing up to launch a new show ?Once Upon a time? Kabhie Kabhie? on 6 November.

    The musical show will be aired every Sunday at 12 noon.

    The show is a musical journey in a storytelling format by interweaving the narrative with songs. It is for all the audiences who enjoy radio plays, theatre and Bollywood films.

    Mix EVP and business head Neeraj Vyas said, "We are pleased to announce the launch of ?Once upon a time? Kabhie Kabhie?, a show that will take our audience on an hour-long musical narrative conveying a heartwarming story through the language of music. We are hopeful that the audience will enjoy our latest offering."

    Neeraj Vyas
  • Bal Thackeray demands Bharat Ratna for Amitabh Bachchan

    MUMBAI: Shiv Sena chief Bal Thackeray has demanded that the country‘s highest civilian honour, Bharat Ratna, should b

  • SRK says he fulfilled life-long dream with Ra.one

    NEW DELHI: Bollywood star Shah Rukh Khan a.k.a.

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