• KKR in licensing deal with e-com venture Freecultr

    MUMBAI: Shah Rukh Khan co-owned IPL team Kolkata Knight Riders has inked a licensing deal with apparel e-com venture,

  • Indian filmmakers need to change mindset to make global films

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  • Anubhav Sinha launches production house Help to make films on survival

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  • Big CBS Prime launches two shows

    Submitted by ITV Production on Mar 12
    indiantelevision.com Team

    MUMBAI: English GEC Big CBS Prime which targets upper class males has announced the launch of two new shows.

    ?Made to Order? and ?Big Style Icon? are tailored keeping in mind the infotainment preferences of men who live in style. The shows focus on the hottest properties in the Indian real estate market and a peek into the world of the elite, respectively.

    ?Made to Order? will take its viewers on a journey with a tour into the best real-estate properties money can buy.

    Big Style Icons profiles the lavish lives of society?s elite and the brands which are their favourites. The show will feature the men who are known for their style quotient with hand-picked style icons which will see the likes of Vijay Mallya, Yash Birla, Shah Rukh Khan, MS Dhoni and Atul Kasbekar to name a few. The show will focus on an Icons? favorite brands, preferred machines, his style statement and his workout den.

    "The properties offer a platform for marketers from the real estate, home fittings, high-end fashion brands and premium products, as the channel ensures reach to a large relevant audience base with minimal spill-over," the channel said.

    The channel also airs shows like ?Survivor?, ?Hawaii 5-0?, and ?The 4400?. The two new shows are designed to give viewers an up-close and first-ever look into the lives of the rich and famous.

    There will also be a multi-faceted promotional campaign for both these shows. The properties will be promoted and marketed across multi-media platforms of television, radio, OOH, print and social media platforms.

    Shah Rukh Khan
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  • Anubhav Sinha to launch two films soon

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