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  • Noted commentator, documentary maker Partap Sharma passes away

    Submitted by ITV Production on Nov 30
    indiantelevision.com Team

    MUMBAI: Noted playwright, novelist, author of children?s books, commentator, actor and documentary filmmaker Partap Sharma, remembered for his hosting of What?s the Good Word, passed away this morning. He was 71.

    In his illustrious career, Sharma voiced a number of radio commercials and TV commercials that led to his being recognised by the Ad Club of Mumbai for Lifetime Contribution to Advertising in 2000.

    Among other recognitions Sharma received include the Cleo Award for best voice, RAPA First Prize for best voice in radio spots in 1976, the Hamid Sayani Trophy for a lifetime of all-round excellence in radio and television in 1992 and the Dadasaheb Phalke Award with the citation ?the voice of India? on behalf of 35 associations of professional cine workers representing all branches of the Indian film industry in 2004.

    Sharma leaves behind his wife Susan and daughters Namrita and actress Tara Sharma.

    Partap Sharma
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