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  • Fox orders two more seasons of 'The Simpsons'

    Submitted by ITV Production on Oct 11
    indiantelevision.com Team

    MUMBAI: US broadcaster Fox has renewed ?The Simpsons?, the longest-running comedy in television history, for a 24th and 25th season, bringing the series total to 559 episodes.
    In India, the show airs on Star World.

    The longest-running scripted show in television history exploded into a cultural phenomenon in 1990 and has remained one of the most groundbreaking and innovative entertainment franchises, recognizable throughout the world.
    Matt Groening created the iconic family: Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie. In February 2012, the show will celebrate its historic 500th episode.

    The series has won 27 Emmy Awards, been the subject of a film, created "Krustyland" and a virtual coaster ? The Simpsons Ride ? at Universal Studios theme park, received a star on The Hollywood Walk of Fame, been honoured with five US postal stamps personally designed by Matt Groening, and named the "Best Show of the 20th Century" by Time Magazine.

    Following the MLB American League Championship Series and World Series games on Fox, the show returns with all-new episodes beginning with "Treehouse of Horrors XXII," on 30 October. In the spooky opener, Homer takes a dangerous dive into an isolated canyon on Candy Peak, but when a crashing boulder traps his arm, he channels Aron Ralston (guest voicing as himself) to save himself.

    In "The Diving Bell and Butterball," the first of three hair-raising Halloween tales, a venomous spider bite leaves Homer paralyzed, but when Lisa discovers Homer?s ability to communicate through natural gases, he is able to express his love for Marge. The killer spells continue in "Dial D for Diddly," when Ned Flanders, devout preacher by day, transforms into a cold-blooded vigilante by night.

    In the final tale, ?In the Na?Vi?, Bart and Milhouse are assigned on a mission to access a sacred extract on a distant planet. They morph into the land?s indigenous one-eyed avatars, but when Bart finds love and an eternal mate abroad, he is caught in planet warfare.

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