Janmat's 'Commercial Break' to feature Balki on 21 January

Janmat's 'Commercial Break' to feature Balki on 21 January

MUMBAI: Today, advertisement shows find a suitable television spot. The views channel Janmat, has also introduced a show about the world of advertising through Commercial Break. In the forthcoming show on 21 January the show will feature the National Creative of Lowe, R. Balakrishnan who will speak on various advertising myths.

The show anchored by Priti Gupta, had been introduced six weeks back.The show will be aired at 7.30 p.m. Among other things, Balakrishnan’s explains the behind-the-scenes action while changing the Liril anthem. "And as for Amitabh Bachchan, there is no contest, he is bigger than any product in the market,” says Balki, as he is popularly addressed, informs an official release.

The repeat is telecast on Sunday the following day at 11 am. In the past, the half hourly format of Commercial Break covered leading ad agencies every week. The show also features the agency’s memorable works, awards won and ad creatives that go behind creating advertising campaigns and commercials.