30 minutes: military - The Apolitical Force

30 minutes: military - The Apolitical Force


The events of the last few weeks, starting from the public handholding between former Army Chief, Gen VK Singh and BJP’s PM candidate Narendra Modi, followed by the leak of a confidential report with scathing content, dragged the military into a sordid debate. Questions about civil-military relations and whether the Army had been politicised started gaining ground.


This week,30 Minutes examines how the Army has so far managed to remain apolitical. Former chiefs of Army; Gen VK Singh, Gen VP Malik, sacked Navy Chief Admiral Vishnu Bhagwat; and a whole host of soldiers join this debate and examine how the respected military veteran has been literally driven to the streets because of the indifference of politicians and the hostile manner in which the bureaucracy has handled their issues.


Don’t miss this special episode on Sat, Sep 28 @ 8:30 PM and Sun, Sep 29 @ 12 Noon & 9:30 PM (R), only on CNN-IBN.