Analysing the rise of video content consumption in India and its implications for marketers

Analysing the rise of video content consumption in India and its implications for marketers

India is one of the largest and fastest-growing markets for video content consumption globally.

Yasin Hamidani

In recent years, India has witnessed an exponential surge in video content consumption, fuelled by factors such as increasing internet penetration, affordability of smartphones, and the rise of digital platforms. This seismic shift in consumer behaviour has significant implications for marketers, who are increasingly turning to video as a powerful tool to engage with their target audience. In this article, we delve into the rise of video content consumption in India, its implications for marketers, and strategies for crafting effective video marketing campaigns that resonate with Indian audiences.

Understanding the rise of video content consumption in India:

India has emerged as one of the largest and fastest-growing markets for video content consumption globally. Video will account to 85 per cent of all internet traffic in India by end of 2024, showcasing the immense popularity of this medium among Indian consumers. Several factors contribute to this phenomenon:

1.  Increasing Internet penetration: India's internet user base has been expanding rapidly, driven by initiatives such as Digital India and the proliferation of affordable mobile data plans. As more Indians gain access to the internet, there is a growing appetite for consuming video content across a wide range of genres and platforms.

2.   Rise of digital platforms: The advent of digital streaming platforms such as YouTube, Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Hotstar, and others has revolutionized the way Indians consume content. These platforms offer a diverse array of video content, including movies, TV shows, web series, music videos, and user-generated content, catering to varied interests and preferences.

3.   Mobile revolution: The widespread adoption of smartphones has made video content accessible to a vast segment of the population. With affordable smartphones and high-speed mobile internet becoming ubiquitous, Indians are increasingly turning to their mobile devices to consume video content on the go.

   Cultural preference for visual content: Indian audiences have a strong affinity for visual storytelling, making video an inherently appealing medium for communication and entertainment. From Bollywood movies to short viral videos, visuals play a central role in Indian popular culture, driving the demand for video content across demographics.

Implications for marketers:

The rise of video content consumption in India presents several implications for marketers seeking to connect with their target audience:

1   Shift in advertising spend: Marketers are reallocating their advertising budgets from traditional media channels to digital platforms, with a significant portion allocated to video advertising. Video ads offer higher engagement rates and better ROI compared to traditional formats, making them an attractive option for brands looking to reach and influence consumers.

2   Opportunity for brand storytelling: Video provides a powerful medium for brands to tell their story, evoke emotions, and connect with consumers on a deeper level. Marketers can leverage the storytelling capabilities of video to create compelling narratives that resonate with Indian audiences, building brand affinity and loyalty over time.

3   Enhanced engagement and interactivity: Video content encourages higher levels of engagement and interactivity compared to other formats. Marketers can leverage features such as interactive ads, shoppable videos, and immersive experiences to captivate audiences and drive action, whether it's making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or sharing the content with others.

4   Reach across demographics and regions: Video content has universal appeal and transcends linguistic and cultural barriers, making it an effective tool for reaching diverse audiences across India's vast and heterogeneous landscape. Marketers can tailor their video content to resonate with specific demographics, regions, and cultural nuances, ensuring relevance and resonance with their target audience.

Strategies for effective video marketing campaigns:

Crafting a successful video marketing campaign requires careful planning, creative execution, and strategic distribution. Here are some strategies for marketers to consider:

1   Know your audience: Start by understanding your target audience's demographics, interests, preferences, and online behaviour. Use insights from market research, audience analytics, and social listening tools to inform your video content strategy and messaging.

2   Tell compelling stories: Create video content that tells a story, evokes emotions, and resonates with your audience on a personal level. Whether it's showcasing your brand's values, highlighting customer testimonials, or narrating a captivating narrative, storytelling can help forge meaningful connections with viewers.

3   Focus on quality and creativity: Invest in high-quality production values and creative execution to make your videos stand out in a crowded digital landscape. Whether it's stunning visuals, captivating animations, or engaging narratives, strive to create content that captivates and delights your audience.

4   Optimize for mobile viewing: Given the prevalence of mobile devices in India, it's essential to optimize your video content for mobile viewing. Ensure that your videos are formatted for smaller screens, load quickly, and are easy to navigate on mobile devices to provide a seamless viewing experience.

5   Leverage video SEO: Optimize your video content for search engines by using relevant keywords, tags, and descriptions. This will help improve the discoverability of your videos on platforms like YouTube and Google, driving organic traffic and engagement.

6   Promote across channels: Distribute your video content across multiple digital channels, including social media, email, websites, and digital ad networks. Tailor your distribution strategy to the preferences and behaviours of your target audience, ensuring maximum reach and impact.

7   Measure and iterate: Track the performance of your video marketing campaigns using key metrics such as views, engagement, click-through rates, and conversions. Use this data to evaluate the effectiveness of your campaigns and make data-driven optimisations to improve results over time.

The rise of video content consumption in India represents a significant opportunity for marketers to engage with their target audience in meaningful and impactful ways. By understanding the drivers behind this trend, leveraging the storytelling capabilities of video, and adopting strategic best practices, marketers can create compelling video marketing campaigns that resonate with Indian consumers, driving brand awareness, engagement, and loyalty in an increasingly digital world.

The article has been authored by Media Care Brand Solutions director Yasin Hamidani.