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  • Vineeta Jain : Trainee account executive - JWT

    Submitted by ITV Production on Mar 11

    Name: Vineeta Jain

    Designation: Trainee account executive - JWT Sun

    Sign: Virgo, 5 September 1976

    Educational Experience
    I did my schooling from a public school in Ahmedabad. I was totally into extra-curricular activities and was an above-average student as far as studies were concerned.

    Then I did my graduation in economics from St. Xavier's College in Ahmedabad and post-graduation in development communication from Gujarat University.

    Other qualifications
    Graduate in Bharat Natyam and Kathak from Nartan School of Classical Dance, Ahmedabad.

    Certified as Master in Reiki and Karuna Reiki.

    Professional Experience
    I worked in the social sector, making documentaries and radio serials in Drishti Media Collective in Ahmedabad. Then I moved to Kolkata and got into making corporate films. I've done my training in different media related topic.

    Some of the work I've done can be seen below:
    Video Films (Directed): Bol Films (2002) - Dubbed eight domestic violence spot in Bangla shown on ETV Bangla, Diarrhea (2002) - Health capsule made for EMRC Kolkata, Leprosy (2002) - Health capsule made for EMRC Kolkata, Rebuilding lives not houses (2001) - After the killer quake of 26th January 2001 of Bhuj, Navsarjan and Janvikas implemented a successful rehabilitation program for Dalits. This film documented this project to help them raise more funds.

    Whose energy for whom (2001) - This film critically looked at the two clean technologies promoted in the rural areas by the government to save fuel wood. A Concern for Pollution (1998) - This film provided legal information to people working on the issue of environment. Dadi ma ni Vaato (Grandma's Stories) (1998) - This is a story about 2 boys and the importance of personal cleanliness which I did for DD-11.

    Audio Programmes: Parivartan (1998) - This audio programme was based on fictional autobiographies of three close friends who faced different kinds of oppression from a patriarchal society. Kutch Kuchato (Kutch speaks up) (1999-2000) - Directed a news feature (as part of fictional serial 'Kunjal Panje Kutch Ji') in Kutchi language which was broadcast from Bhuj. This program received Chamelidevi Jain award.

    Tu Ziaro Hai (You are alive) (2001) - After the earthquake 2001, I directed an interview based radio program to bridge the information gap between the people and policy makers. The programme was broadcast from the Bhuj local station.

    I also conducted a theater workshop for law students. The students performed street plays for a whole year in Modasa and Palanpur in Gujarat (1999).

    Then finally two months ago I joined JWT as a trainee in client servicing. It is very different from what I have ever done but it's lots of fun.

    Job Profile
    I am based in Kolkata and we help our clients in building their brands.

    Advertising as career choice
    Why I landed up here?! Well, I guess because I had to be in this field. It's not that I didn't like making documentaries and radio serials but advertising is any day more exciting.

    Right and wrong about current advertising scenario
    Being a new entrant in the advertising scenario, suggesting trends would be immature. I firmly believe that a lot of sectors in our country do need brand building, like our heritage, our art and our culture.

    That's where advertising can change its role from just selling consumer goods and services to actually building brands for untapped sectors.

    Also, creativity is getting lost, it's not that there aren't many creative people around it's just that somehow people don't mind mediocrity.

    Five years from now
    I see myself making a mark in the field of advertising; contended with myself and enjoying every bit of life.

    Hobbies keep changing from time to time right now its photography, before that it was kathak. So it is anything that I feel like at that particular part of time. It can be from reading a book to watching TV to just sleeping.


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