• HBO lines up Bond festival, launches biggest marketing campaign

    MUMBAI: HBO, which has lost market share in the English movie channel space, has packed 21 Bond films and has kicked

  • HBO US renews ?Boardwalk Empire? for 3rd season

    Submitted by ITV Production on Oct 15
    indiantelevision.com Team

    MUMBAI: US broadcaster HBO has renewed ?Boardwalk Empire? for a third season. 

    The show is set in the 1920s in the early days of Prohibition, and chronicles the life and times of Enoch ?Nucky? Thompson, the undisputed leader of Atlantic City, who was both politician and gangster.

    HBO Programming president Michael Lombardo said, ?Following a triumphant first season, I was eager to see what Terry Winter, Martin Scorsese and the rest of their stellar team had in store, and they continue to surpass our highest expectations. The response from the media and our viewers has been extremely gratifying."

    Boardwalk Empire
  • Soderbergh to direct Liberace biopic

    MUMBAI: Steven Soderbergh is all set to helm a Liberace biopic for HBO titled Behind the Candelabra.

  • Fox Star to release What's Your Number on 14 October

    MUMBAI: Fox Star Studios will release the Anna Faris and Chris Evans-starrer What‘s Your Number? on 14 October.

  • HBO to kick off ?Enlightened? on 10 October

    Submitted by ITV Production on Sep 26
    indiantelevision.com Team

    MUMBAI: US broadcaster HBO will kick off the show ?Enlightened? on 10 October, which is positioned as being a blend of comedy and drama.

    The show stars Laura Dern ?Rambling Rose? who plays Amy Jellicoe, an executive at a global conglomerate; she has been her own worst enemy for most of her adult life. Her self-destructive choices, both at home and at work, have resulted in a very public, humiliating nervous breakdown.

    After an extended stay at a treatment center in Hawaii, she returns to her fractured life, determined to lead a more enlightened existence. But her newfound noble intentions only ratchet up the drama, wreaking unexpected havoc on those around her.

    Dern stars as Amy in the series, which she executive produces along with Mike White who also co-stars, writes and directs. After undergoing a traumatising workplace setback, Jellicoe begins questioning her role as a top-tier executive at her multinational corporation. On a forced mental health retreat, she experiences a dramatic transformation that inspires her to adopt a new attitude in
    her private life and at her company.

    But upon returning to the office, Amy discovers that her new enlightened outlook is unwelcome and even threatening to her co-workers and loved ones.

    White said, "There are so many anti-heroes populating TV series right now, I wanted to do a show about someone who is dysfunctional and far from perfect, but whose impulse is to do good and try to be the best person she can. Amy is living a very ordinary life, but her relentless drive to make her world better makes her unique - and in a way, dangerous. I also wanted to a write a show that was centered around a woman, but wasn?t a dating show. Amy has a lot more on her mind than just her romantic life - and I hope people will find that relatable and refreshing."

    Dern said, "Amy is a mass of contradictions, a woman of good impulses who often does the wrong thing, a woman who wants to make things better but sometimes produces the opposite result. As she tries to decide what?s really important to her, she tries to live a deeply authentic life, but her passion and honesty often backfire, making her efforts to change herself and her world far more complicated."

  • ?Mad Men? and ?Modern Family? win again at Emmy Awards

    Submitted by ITV Production on Sep 21
    indiantelevision.com Team

    MUMBAI: At the 63th Primetime Emmy Awards which recognise the best that US television has to offer, ?Mad Men? and ?Modern Family? again won for best drama and comedy series respectively.

    Another repeat winner was Jim Parsons who won for comedy actor in a leading role for ?The Big Bang Theory?. Julianna Margulies won for ?The Good Wife? in the category best actress in a drama series. PBS? Downton Abbey did well in the miniseries/movie categories,

    Kate Winslet won for her title role in the HBO miniseries ?Mildred Pearce?. Her co-star Guy Pearce also triumphed.

    Filmmaker Martin Scorcese won for directing the pilot episode of ?Boardwalk Empire?. ?Modern Family?s Julie Bowen and Ty Burrell also won statues. Kyle Chandler was also awared for playing the lead in ?Friday Night Lights?.

    Peter Dinklage won Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series for ?Game of Thrones

    Mad Men
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