Nickelodeon sets interaction in action

Nickelodeon sets interaction in action

The NDS developed set top boxes used by Nickelodeon fetched the channel an impressive 293,000 interactive votes in London during Watch Your Own Week earlier this week.

This was the channel's first use of interactive TV applications and helped in rake in votes at the rate of 1.4 per second. An official release said that Nickelodeon was expecting a total of 100,000 votes during the whole week using the interactive TV application. The magic figure was, however, achieved within days of voting.

During Watch Your Own Week, kids could vote every half-hour between 8.00 am and 8.00 PM for the shows they wanted to see on screen in the next half-hour slot. A total of 578,000 votes were received through interactive TV, SMS and phone calls during the seven days (iTV - 293,000; 58,000 - SMS, 180,648 - telephone) by Nickelodeon, which is the highest number of votes ever cast during a Watch Your Own Week on the channel.

NDS officials said this is the first time such measurable results have been available to prove the success and viability of interactive applications.