Discovery introduces viewers to a seven year old surgeon

Discovery introduces viewers to a seven year old surgeon


MUMBAI: Discovery will air a one hour special The Seven Year Old Surgeon on 10 June at 8 pm.In 2001 seven year old Akrit Jaswal gained celebrity status when he successfully performed an operation to separate the fused fingers of an eight year old girl in his small village in North India.

Now the 12 year old researches cures for cancer in his laboratory which was extablished by his proud parents. Viewers will also see him going to the UK to meet British scientists who offer their verdicts on him. The show also interviews psychologists who assess the effects these achievements could be having on his childhood.

Jaswal became obssessed with medicine at an early age. He memorised medical books and winessed surgeries. He even experimented on animals at his home in Himachal Pradesh. As the word of the young prodigy spread villagers flocked to hime home seeking advice or just a glimpse of the boy.

Much to his discomfort he was idolised and revered as a God. However he did meet some of the hordes that gathered on his doorstep. He has prescribed medicine for over a thousand cases including a man suffering from a brain disorder.