Warner planning movie on Bond creator Ian Fleming

Warner planning movie on Bond creator Ian Fleming

MUMBAI: Warner Bros. is making a film about the life of James Bond creator Ian Fleming.

Born to a wealthy British family, Fleming drew from his experiences in British Naval Intelligence. His inspiration for Bond was WWII adventurer Patrick Dalzel-Job, who helped Fleming conduct raids behind enemy lines. After his military career, Fleming retired to Jamaica where he built a house called Goldeneye and began writing full time. Fleming died of heart failure in 1964 at the age of 56.

Media reports indicate that the film will trace his journalism in the Soviet Union, work as an undercover agent for the British government and love of women. The film, which is to be produced by filmmaker Andrew Lazar, shows how similar the writer and his famous tuxedo-clad hero really were.

Meanwhile, Daniel Craig Layer Cake will take over from Pierce Brosnan as James Bond. His first film will be Casino Royale. In the past names like Eric Bana and Clive Owen had been thrown up. Craig is said to have been a favourite of the producer Barbara Broccoli since she began the search for Pierce Brosnan's replacement earlier this year.