Sony Music makes 'Why this Kolaveri Di' a viral rage with 1.8 M hits in less than a week

Submitted by ITV Production on Nov 24

MUMBAI: With almost 1.8 M hits on youtube and with over 8.2 M links shared on Facebook in less than a week, ?Why this Kolaveri Di? has become a phenomenon created by Sony Music. Going beyond geographies, the song today is one of the biggest hits not only in India but also world over. Being the only song that was first released on YouTube, sans the official video launch, this song has already created ripples.

Says Sridhar Subramaniam, President, Sony Music Entertainment - India & Middle East, "We saw a hug potential in the song, and decided to create a video which was spontaneous yet fun. The video was our ammunition to enter the market and make a mark. The successful response, with over 1.8 Million hits we received vis-a-viz what Ra.One received in 3 months. Within hours of us posting the video online, we received updates from people on Facebook & Twitter. The song had spread like wild fire and before we knew it, everyone was humming it."

The song, which now lays on everyone?s mind, has surpassed all other music releases, whether Hindi or Tamil music. The Tanglish lyrics of the song only add charm to its popularity. The biggest buzz creator, the U-Phenomenon is the latest addition to music lingo. By adding, a U after every other word, the song flows with flawless rhymes.

Anirudh, the 18-year old musical prodigy has given this song a unique twist that has connected with the youth the world over. All radio stations in the country and entertainment channels are talking about the success of the song. With thousands of people across the globe talking about it, there is little to wonder why the song has received such stupendous success.
