Internet advertising soars in the US

Internet advertising soars in the US

MUMBAI: Online advertising in the US is gaining momentum. According to a study conducted to by New York's Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) aided by accounting giant PricewaterhouseCoopers, the country's internet ad revenue zoomed 39 per cent to $2.3 billion in the first quarter from a year ago.
The study gives credit to the aggressiveness advertisers displayed to reach out to consumers through the web.

The results are interpolated from the data provided by the top 15 online advertising sellers across the US. Final results are expected in July.
IAB chief executive Greg Stuart is quoted in media reports saying the opportunity to collect research and data had boosted the marketers' confidence. According to Stuart, online advertising accomplishes key marketing goals as well as good as any other ad medium.
Internet advertising made a strong comeback in the US in 2003 after the dot com bust stagnated the industry. Media analysts expect Internet advertising to grow as much as 20 per cent this year.