Weekend Unwind with: The Pant Project's Dhruv Toshniwal

Weekend Unwind with: The Pant Project's Dhruv Toshniwal

The latest in the series of informal chats with industry exec in our weekend special.

Dhruv Toshniwal

Mumbai: With another weekend upon us, it is time to unwind with the latest Q&A edition of Indiantelevision.com’s Weekend Unwind—a series of informal chats that peek into the minds of business executives through a fun lens in an attempt to get to know the person behind the title a little better.

In this week’s session, we have The Pant Project founder Dhruv Toshniwal.

Without further ado, here it goes…

Your mantra for life

Get  one per cent better every day

A book you are currently reading or plan to read

Nassim Taleb, Skin in the Game & Antifragile

Your fitness mantra, especially during the pandemic

Some workout is better than no workout. Just start, and don’t miss two days in a row.

Your comfort food

Indian (paneer) or Italian (pizza)

A quote or philosophy that keeps you going when the chips are down

I know the pieces fit because I watched them fall apart (from the song Schism by Tool)

Your guilty pleasure

I have a major sweet tooth

The last time you tried something new

Yesterday. As an entrepreneur, you are always trying out new things in your business and daily life.

A life lesson you learned the hard way

If it’s not a hell yes, it’s a no. I would say yes to too many things earlier on in life, and that wouldn’t leave enough space to focus on the most important ones.

What gets you excited about life?

Waking up every day and building a little part of the India story. This is going to be such an amazing decade for India to grow on all fronts.

What’s on top of your bucket list?

Hitting a hole-in-one at golf. I’ve been playing for 20 years and haven’t yet gotten one!

If you could give one piece of advice to your younger self, what would it be?

Those who see action in inaction and inaction in actions are truly wise amongst human beings (The Bhagavad Gita).

One thing you would most like to change about the world

End war. We can peacefully coexist on this planet with different faiths & nationalities.

An activity that keeps you motivated and charged during tough times

Spending time in nature, going for long walks with my wife and golfing.

What lifts your spirits when life gets you down?

I’m generally an eternal optimist and tend to see things with a positively coloured lens. You can’t get too down about life as an entrepreneur because if you let yourself, there are 1000 reasons you can use to justify being down.

Your go-to stress buster

A quick sprint or high-intensity cardio workout session.