“Our direct farm-to-customer model sets us apart from giant brands”: Doodhvale’s Aman J Jain

“Our direct farm-to-customer model sets us apart from giant brands”: Doodhvale’s Aman J Jain

Doodhvale’s vision is to be a global household brand for fresh dairy and daily essentials.

Aman J Jain

Mumbai: Industrialisation around the world is growing steadfastly. With this, the pervasive issue of adulteration and chemical contamination has become a pressing concern for consumers globally, infiltrating one of the most fundamental components of our diet - milk. Unscrupulous practices involving the addition of water, synthetic substances, or harmful chemicals not only compromise the nutritional quality of milk but also pose a significant threat to public health.

Amidst these rising concerns, Doodhvale emerges as a beacon of purity and is on a mission to restore the authenticity and purity of milk and dairy products in Indian household. Cutting out intermediaries, they deliver premium dairy directly from advanced farms via a user-friendly app. Led by Aman J Jain, an IIM Bangalore alumnus with experience in startups like OYO and consulting firms like BCG and Accenture Strategy, the team ensures a customer-centric experience. Rigorous quality assessments and a robust cold chain logistics system guarantee fresh, pure products, aiming to make Doodhvale the go-to for unadulterated daily essentials.

Delving deeper, Indian Television caught up with Doodhvale CEO & co-founder Aman J Jain to gain insights on their genesis, direct farm-to-customer model, and much more…

Edited Excerpts:

On Doodhvale’s launch, the inspiration behind starting it and its differentiating aspect in the dairy industry dominated by the bigger brands

Doodhvale was launched in 2017 to address the gap in the dairy industry where the delivered milk often doesn't meet the standards of purity and freshness expected by consumers. Multiple tests conducted by govt bodies have shown that high volume of dairy products are unfit for consumption. Inspired by the desire to offer pure and fresh dairy products, Doodhvale differentiates itself by sourcing its products directly from modern, hi-tech farms, eliminating middlemen and ensuring ethical production and procurement practices. This direct farm-to-customer model sets it apart from bigger brands in the industry, prioritising quality and freshness over mass production and distribution.

On challenges in the dairy industry that prompted you to establish a direct farm-to-customer model

The challenges prevalent in the dairy industry, such as the widespread adulteration and contamination of milk, prompted Doodhvale to establish a direct farm-to-customer model. By bypassing the traditional ways of village-level sourcing, where there is very limited control over feed quality, hormonal injections, and antibiotic milk, Doodhvale works very closely with hi-tech dairy farms with international best practices to guarantee the purity and freshness of its products.

On Doodhvale differentiating itself in terms of customisation, scheduling, and payment options compared to traditional dairy suppliers

Doodhvale’s technology-driven solution designing provides control directly in the hands of customers. With transparency and convenience as two strong pillars, Doodhvale provides daily transparent test results to customers on the app daily. In terms of customisation, customers have the freedom to tailor their orders according to their preferences, ensuring they receive exactly what they need. Payment options are also convenient and easy, making transactions seamless for customers compared to the traditional hassle of dealing with cash payments or limited payment methods.

On the features of Doodhvale’s user-friendly mobile app and how it enhances the customer experience

One of our core values at Doodhvale is customer-centricity. Customers are at the core of our solution and design thinking. The user-friendly mobile app offered by Doodhvale enhances the customer experience in various ways. Features include easy navigation, personalised order customisation, flexible scheduling options, and convenient payment methods. Transparent lab test reports, elaborate content hub, single click customer connect, provide customers with convenience, establish trust, and save time and effort.

On the rigorous quality assessments and cold chain logistics system employed by Doodhvale to maintain product freshness

Doodhvale upholds stringent quality standards through meticulous assessments and a robust cold chain logistics network, safeguarding the freshness and purity of its offerings. Our comprehensive quality testing spans the entire supply chain, ensuring strict adherence to safety and hygiene protocols. With each batch of milk subjected to thorough testing for impurities, we guarantee that only the finest products make their way to our customers' homes. Employing a farm-to-fork cold chain approach, Doodhvale ensures that the nutritional integrity of our milk and dairy products remains intact, delivering freshness, with love, straight to your doorstep.

On the future plans in terms of expansion beyond Delhi-NCR & the long-term vision of Doodhvale

Doodhvale’s vision is to be a globally recognised household brand for fresh dairy and daily essentials. We strive to be synonymous with care, trust, and freshness, and to be loved by people of all ages.

As a leader in the market, we want to be the go-to choice for customers worldwide and be trendsetters in the industry.

Our near future is to penetrate deeper in NCR, and continue providing our customers with excellent products, immaculate service and a hassle-free, omnichannel experience.