AOL's family friendly programming guides

AOL's family friendly programming guides

MUMBAI: As a part of its longstanding commitment to providing family-friendly online services, America Online (AOL) in the US has introduced a new Family Friendly online guide.


The guide, which kicks off in the Moviefone and AOL CityGuide services, will be featured throughout AOL's entertainment channels to help parents make entertainment selections appropriate for their children.


The services will both feature a Family Friendly section, highlighting hand-picked selections and key content information to help parents choose films, DVDs and events that are best suited to their families.


AOL senior VP programming Bill Wilson said, "We have long been an advocate for parents online. By offering this Family Friendly guide throughout our entertainment experience, we provide parents with a one-stop shopping activity guide to help inform their decision-making."


Family friendly movies and DVDs -- typically G or PG -- will be handpicked by the editors of the Moviefone service. There will be aggregated information as to rating and age appropriateness from the MPAA and Common Sense Media. Common Sense media is an independent non-profit whose mission is to give parents a trustworthy resource for information about all media their kids consume.


The first new film to be designated Family Friendly is Because of Winn-Dixie from Twentieth Century Fox. It opens in US theatres on 18 February. The film is based upon a children's novel about a 10-year-old girl's adventurous summer in a new town with a new best friend - a dog named Winn Dixie.