Mercedes-Benz Fashion Show by Anita Dongre

Mercedes-Benz Fashion Show by Anita Dongre

Concept: MusicScapes

This year, the fashion showcase at the Mercedes Golf Tournament is all about rhythm and music put together in a distinctive style. An excellent way to express rhythm is through stylized fashion showcase.

Music is a poignant way to express depth and simplicity. Fashion is the finest way to express style and elegance. The theme Music Scapes celebrates both music and fashion on the same platform in a simple yet elegant entertainment format.

The Collection:

The collection has been specially designed keeping in mind the theme for the Mercedes Trophy. Each of the five sequences represents a different style of music and rhythm.

The collection is inspired by the Mercedes-Benz attributes of Attitude, Technology, Tradition, Different Definition and Sophistication.
Each of these attributes are linked to a distinctive genre of music and presented as a musical élange of fashion excellence.

Designer: Anita Dongre

Anita Dongre is renowned designer, who has been a part of the fashion industry over 15 years. Both her couture label and pr?t line 'AND' are available across India. Anita's clothes have always been synonymous with elegance and sophistication.