Survival wins award for tribal rights

Survival wins award for tribal rights

MUMBAI: Survival International‘s film Mine: Story of a Sacred Mountain will be bestowed the award for Best Short in the International Human Rights category at the Artivist Film Festival held in Hollywood on 15 November.

The film has been viewed by over 650,000 people around the world. It even came to the attention of James Cameron. Mine will be screened on 4 December at the Egyptian Theater in Hollywood, California.

Survival was at the forefront of a global campaign against Vedanta‘s mine for several years, with the film playing a crucial role.

The film, narrated by British actress and activist, Joanna Lumley, depicts the struggle of the Dongria Kondh tribe of Orissa, India, to save their sacred mountain from Vedanta Resources‘ proposed open pit bauxite mine.

Survival‘s US Coordinator, Tess Thackara, who will accept the award says, ‘We are very honored to have been awarded this prize. ‘Mine‘ was an integral part of our campaign for the Dongria Kondh and shows what an invaluable part film can play in human rights advocacy. We hope all those inspired by Mine will continue to support other tribal peoples around the world."

In August, the Dongria Kondh won an historic victory as India‘s environment minister blocked the controversial mine.