T-Series ropes in Thai action director for Ready

T-Series ropes in Thai action director for Ready

MUMBAI: T-Series head honcho Bhushan Kumar is leaving no stone unturned to make his upcoming Salman Khan-Asin starrer Ready a hit.

The production company has roped in Thai action director Seelum Pradit who had earlier earned international laurels for his work in Mountain Tiger, Treasure Island, Rescue Dawn, The Magnificent Five and Marine 2 to action choreograph the film.

Along with Mahendra Verma, the Thai action team headed by Seelum Pradit will work towards achieving international levels of action sequences.

The Thai action team has expertise in rigging, flying effects and high-end stunts. They also understand the Indian sensibilities and the kind of action that would appeal to our masses since earlier Pradit has also worked on a Thumbs Up ad.

Ready has lots of humour, action and dramatic sequences.