Script of DAM999 in Oscar library

Script of DAM999 in Oscar library

DAM 999

MUMBAI: The script of DAM999 - the forthcoming film from BizTV Network - has been officially selected to be placed amidst others in the Academy‘s Library.

Though many screenplays of films from India have already made their presence felt in the Library including films like Lagaan after their release, DAM999 is the first to enter the Library even before its theatrical release anywhere around the globe.

The Library of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences has added the screenplay of the film as part of its Permanent Core Collection, which is accessible to students, filmmakers, writers, actors and others from the field of cinema, for the purpose of research. 

DAM999 is about a corrupt mayor who builds a new dam for political gains and personal glory endangering millions of innocent lives; a mariner desperate to save his sister from evil; two not-so-young lovers challenging destiny in a bid to unite; a woman on a mission to win her family back; a little boy battling a deadly disease; a devoted wife wants to be with her husband even in death; and the astrologer who has foreseen their ominous fate - nine lives entwined by the impending disaster.

DAM999, a film with a social cause describes the hazards dams can cause to mankind, creates awareness among the masses about the impending dangers of a dam collapse if not attended on time.