Weekend Unwind with: Tanya Swetta CEO & co-founder of Id8 Media solutions

Weekend Unwind with: Tanya Swetta CEO & co-founder of Id8 Media solutions

The latest in our special series to get to know the person behind the title a little better.

 Tanya Swetta

Mumbai : In this week’s edition of informal Q&As with industry execs through IndianTelevision.com’s Weekend Unwind series, we have Id8 Media solutions CEO & co-founder Tanya Swetta sharing her musings and nuggets on work and life.

With a passion for managing brands and the drive to deliver the best branding experiences in the industry, Tanya chalked id8 media solutions into reality in 2001. The groundwork for going global was laid on the East Coast of the US in 2018. Today, the agency is a full-service integrated marketing solution with a brick-and-mortar office headquartered in Mumbai and the first global office in New York. Having launched their agency in The Big Apple, Tanya also won the Indian Achievers' Award for CEO of the Year recently. ‘Innovative’ & ‘unflappable’ is how she describes herself, even as she believes that there are no shortcuts to success.

So here goes...

A book you are currently reading/plan to read

I am currently listening to this amazing podcast "The power of your subconscious mind" by Weird Humming Bird on Spotify- it's life-changing! Another book I just finished was the autobiography of Rafael Nadal. I am looking forward to reading about the life of Elon Musk

Your fitness mantra, especially during the pandemic

My fitness mantra has always been - a healthy body is a healthy mind. During the pandemic, especially the lockdown, I decided to put my focus back on yoga and meditation, with a strong focus on building core strength. Usually, my exercise routine consists of a mix of yoga, swimming, walking and meditation

Your comfort food is

Always chocolate! (Everything in moderation of course)

When the chips are down a quote/philosophy that keeps you going

Remember always: Life has its shares of ups and downs, it's cyclical and always moving. My mantras are

1. Consistency is key

2. Practice makes perfect

3. There is always a light at the end of the tunnel

4. Just do it!

5. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger

Your guilty pleasure

A luxurious completely pampering spa treatment

When was the last time you tried something new?

Recently, tried my hand at the sport of skiing, it was exhilarating and amazing

A life lesson you learnt the hard way

Never burn bridges

What gets you excited about life?

The beauty of our planet earth, accomplishments and achievements, inspirational stories of real-life heroes and so on

What’s on top of your bucket list?

A visit to Hawaii

If you could give one piece of advice to your younger self, what would it be?

Be wise, do not give out your trade secrets, always know that there is someone right behind you waiting to take your spot, so be bang on always

One thing you would most like to change about the world

How we as human beings treat our fellow living creatures and plants

An activity that keeps you motivated / charged during tough times -

Listening to and reading inspirational stories, exercising, spending time with my family and my gal pals

What lifts your spirits when life gets you down?

My two daughters and my husband- my soul mate

Your go-to stress buster

The movie "Zindagi na milegi dobara"

Your Mantra for life

Be kind