Vivify Asia transforms into Vivify Stories

Vivify Asia transforms into Vivify Stories

Vivify Asia has evolved into Vivify Stories, marking a profound shift in its vision and purpose


Mumbai: Vivify Asia, a creative production and technology solutions, revamping its brand identity to Vivify Stories, marking a significant evolution in its mission and identity. This strategic shift underscores the company's commitment to crafting unforgettable brand activations, product launches, corporate meetings, events, and immersive experiences that transcend conventional boundaries.

As Vivify Stories, the company embraces a holistic approach to storytelling, weaving captivating narratives that seamlessly blend the physical and digital realms. This transformation reflects Vivify Stories' dedication to being more than just a creative production and technology agency; it positions the company as the architect of exceptional brand experiences that leave a lasting impact.

"Our rebranding to Vivify Stories represents our unwavering dedication to elevating the art of storytelling in everything we do," said Vivify Stories founder and CEO Vikram Bhalla. "We believe that every brand has a unique story to tell, and through immersive experiences that resonate across multiple platforms, we empower our clients to connect with their audiences in meaningful ways."

Some noteworthy past clients and projects of Vivify stories include Coca-Cola, Manchester United Football Club (MUFC), FIFA World Cup Trophy Tour, and Sprite Gully Cricket among others. These projects highlight Vivify Stories' extensive experience and success in delivering impactful brand activations and immersive experiences across various industries and markets.

Under the Vivify Stories banner, the company continues to innovate and push boundaries, guided by a team of seasoned professionals who bring expertise from diverse creative disciplines. Ralph Fernandes director of technical, an accomplished director of Photography (DOP) within the industry, shares his excitement about the rebranding: "As part of Vivify Stories, I am thrilled to be part of a team that is redefining the landscape of brand activations and immersive experiences. Our commitment to storytelling excellence remains steadfast, and I look forward to bringing our clients' visions to life in new and exciting ways."

Vivify Stories invites clients, partners, and industry stakeholders to embark on this transformative journey with them, as they continue to pioneer innovative approaches to storytelling and brand activation.