Update Geotarget launches digital campaigns to elevate country’s first narrowcasting platform

Update Geotarget launches digital campaigns to elevate country’s first narrowcasting platform

Update Geotarget

MUMBAI: Update Geotarget has launched the digital campaigns #AbDigitalKaPowerTVPe and #MakeAnAdForEveryIndia to reach media planners and marketers who aim to connect with consumers across India, targeted locally through regional, relatable and relevant content.

#AbDigitalKaPowerTVPe enlightens media planners and brand managers about Update Geotarget’s solution that enables them to reach audiences across the country. With a selection of diverse ad formats on 2,500+ free-to-air cable TV channels, the narrowcasting ad platform delivers the brand message deep and wide with minimum spillover. With the help of its geotargeting platform, Update allows marketers to slice and dice the brand message with high precision. It helps to target the right audience and create effective campaigns from the word go. 

#MakeAnAdForEveryIndia highlights the significance of personalised messaging and advertising to reach Indians with varied purchasing and consumption patterns in every region. In a diverse country with 700+ dialects and 60+ scripts, Update Geotarget’s platform empowers brands to effectively communicate with their target audiences in the their mother tongue, or the language they think in. With inventory on high quality hyperlocally curated regional content, the platform delivers a highly engaged audience to marketers.

Only 10 per cent of India’s population lives in the top 10 metros, the majority thriving in rural areas. However, digital literacy is much higher in metros. This points to a gap that has been challenging brands and marketers when they design pan-India consumer engagement campaigns. The campaign thus highlights the uniqueness of every region in India and the need for regional and multilingual approach to engage with consumers.

Update Geotarget is India’s first-ever narrowcasting advertising solutions agency that has grown to become the only all-India advertising concessionaire for many multi-service operators (MSOs), serving over 120 million households across more than 8,000 towns. 

Update Geotarget founder and MD Sharad Alwe said: “In India, every region is unique and it is a vast, diverse nation – especially in regions beyond metros. Through our digital campaigns, #AbDigitalKaPowerTVPe and MakeAnAdForEveryIndia, we wish to apprise planners and brand managers about our innovative solutions and ability to reach 500 million individuals.” He added: “With Update Geotarget’s state-of-the-art platform, we connect where the internet cannot. With our inventory of cable channels, we want to target every audience with minimal spillover through narrowcasting.”

Update Geotarget, with its pioneering solutions in ‘narrowcast’ advertising, bridges the gap via hyperlocal targeting, deep penetration and cost-efficiency. This enables media planners to go beyond metros to cover their target consumer base effectively.

#AbDigitalKaPowerTVPe and #MakeAnAdForEveryIndia will be displayed on targeted digital platforms. They will direct marketers to Update Geotarget’s solutions to create campaigns with a pan-India reach and hyperlocal targeting, resulting in optimal return on investment.