• OMG, Paan Singh Tomar receive awards for spreading social messages

    NEW DELHI: Akshay Kumar starrer Oh My God which was a satire on religious hypocrisy has been given the best Hindi fil

  • A tepid box office week

    MUMBAI: The first Friday jinx seems to continue as three out of four new releases of the first Friday of 2013 had to

  • Salman magic works on the box office yet again

    MUMBAI: There were no releases on the last Friday of 2012 leaving the week open for Salman Khan starrer Dabangg2.

  • Oh My God is 4th Bollywood film to be banned in the UAE

    Mumbai: Though the Akshay Kumar and Paresh Rawal-starrer Oh My God (OMG ) has been released all over India today, the

  • ?Paglapur? from highly anticipated Akshay Sonakshi starrer ?Joker? comes alive at High Street Phoenix in Mumbai

    Submitted by ITV Production on Aug 13

    Mumbai: UTV Motion Pictures together with High Street Phoenix - Mumbai?s premier destination is all set to give Mumbaikars a taste of some alien action the ?Desi? way. The adorable aliens from highly anticipated movie ?Joker? starring Akshay Kumar and Sonakshi Sinha will be making an appearance beginning August 11th to 19th at High Street Phoenix as it transforms to showcase the sleepy hamlet of Paglapur, the backdrop of all the excitement of ?Joker?. Producer, Actor and Choreographer Farah Khan and the ?aliens? will inaugurate the showcase of Paglapur.

    In addition to the unique experience of setting foot in ?Paglapur?, week-long festivities of games and contests will be on the cards along with an opportunity for fans to meet the aliens while few lucky fans may also get a chance to also interact with select cast of the movie.

    So if you are an ?alien? enthusiast, Akshay Sonakshi fan or just looking to have some ?out-of-the-box? fun come and visit the ?Paglapur? - the happy place where everybody comes to have fun, where togetherness and tamasha is the way of life, only at High Street Phoenix, Lower Parel, Mumbai.

    ?Joker? directed by Shirish Kunder will hit theatres on 31st August 2012 worldwide.

  • Home Video of Rowdy Rathore out

    Submitted by ITV Production on Jul 31

    MUMBAI: Reliance Home Video and Games has released the home video of the biggest blockbuster of 2012 Rowdy Rathore.

    Speaking about the success of the film, Akshay Kumar spoke about his love for action films, "I am looking for such opportunities in the future as I love doing action and it is my favorite genre". He also kept the option open for the possibility of a sequel of Rowdy Rathore, should the producers come up with something.

    On her part, Sonakshi Sinha spoke about her experiences while shooting the film and the fact that media and fans had started identifying her as Akshay?s lucky charm now that they had a couple of movies together.

    Reliance Entertainment CEO Sanjeev Lamba spoke about the good relations with UTV Motion Pictures and how Reliance Home Video & Games had launched some of the most successful movies featuring Akshay Kumar and Sonakshi Sinha.

    Siddharth Roy Kapoor spoke about the successful association with Reliance Home Video & Games and briefed the media about their forthcoming plans.

    The customers shopping at Crossword has a delightful experience of interacting with Akshay & Sonakshi, who graciously fielded various questions about their lives.

    Viewers can now enjoy the film on Blu-ray, DVD and VCD. While the Blu-ray costs Rs 799, a DVD costs Rs 299 and VCD costs Rs 125. All formats will be available across all major home entertainment stores in India.

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