• Sequel of Aankhen in offing

    MUMBAI: Producer Gaurang Doshi is well on way to make a sequel of his 2002 film Aankhen that starred Amitabh Bachchan

  • cdubs for Bheeshma Pitamah

    MUMBAI: Jayantilal Gada‘s PEN India has taken the services of Amitabh Bachchan to lend his voice and face of Bheeshma

  • Paan Singh Tomar to release in the Gulf on Thursday

    MUMBAI: UTV Motion Pictures is set to release Paan Singh Tomar in the Gulf.

  • Kahaani nets Rs 141 million at BO

    MUMBAI: Vidya Balan-starrer Kahaani opened to a poor response but improved on Saturday and Sunday with word of mouth

  • i-League club owners join hands, seek revenue model

    Submitted by ITV Production on Mar 12
    indiantelevision.com Team

    MUMBAI: In a bid to ensure that the i-League is run in a more professional manner, 12 of its club owners and representatives have decided to launch the Indian Professional Football Clubs Association (IPFCA). There has been concern that while two clubs Mahindra United and JCT closed down, no corrective steps have been taken.

    The clubs have not been happy over how the AIFF and IMG Reliance have been running things. Pune FC owner Nandan Piramal said that such an association is required to safeguard the interests of the clubs. "The association will work with AIFF and IMG to chalk out a future plan for Indian football".

    The objectives include:

    -Promote and safeguard the common interests of the clubs, popularise the i-League across India.

    - Help make the i-League sustainable and profitable, Encourage the formation of new professional clubs

    - Share best practices among member clubs

    - Get the i-League teams to play in the Asian Champions league.

    The clubs want a revenue model and planning for the long term. "There is no revenue model currently and we all spend around Rs 150 million individually (Rs 1.50 billion combined). Assuming we get Rs 5 million each through travel subsidy, food allowance and stay, all we get is Rs 70 million combined. How long can we sustain our clubs, that?s the concern," said Piramal.

    The club owners had met AIFF and IMG-Reliance on 21 February. "We have been promised that a proper revenue model and a road map would be given to us on 30 April," said Piramal.

  • Nilesh Naik joins Perceot/H as SCD in Bangalore

    MUMBAI: Percept/H has appointed Nilesh Naik as senior creative director for its Bangalore office.

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