• Print thrives in India amid digital growth

    MUMBAI: Print is still breathing strong in India while gasping for life in the US where Internet is poised to overtak

  • Maxus appoints Mangesh Korgaonkar as GM - Mumbai

    MUMBAI: Maxus India has roped in Mangesh Korgaonkar as general manager-Mumbai.

  • Star Health awards media account to OMD

    MUMBAI: Star Health and Allied Insurance company has awarded its media mandate to Omnicom‘s OMD India.

  • Mumbai Press Club announces annual awards for print media

    MUMBAI: The Press Club, Mumbai, has called for entries for its annual awards for excellence in writing and photo jour

  • NZC?s new CEO David White briefed on progress of Cricket Holdings America

    Submitted by ITV Production on Mar 15
    indiantelevision.com Team

    MUMBAI: The newly-appointed New Zealand Cricket (NZC) CEO David White has been briefed about the progress being made by Cricket Holdings America LLC (CHALLC) towards bringing a professional Twenty20 league to the United States of America (USA).

    White, who took over at NZC in January, met Neil Maxwell, a NZC-appointed director of CHALLC, in Auckland. White said: ?It was very exciting to hear from Neil about the progress that has already been made to turn the dream of professional Twenty20 cricket in the USA into reality.

    ?Neil briefed me on all aspects of the project and I am looking forward to working with CHALLC and the United States of America Cricket Association (USACA) to take matters forward over the coming weeks and months.?

    CHALLC is a joint venture between NZC and the USACA for the development of cricket within the USA. It is targetting the launch of a Twenty20 league next year.

    Maxwell said, ?It was good to sit down with David to bring him up to speed on what CHALLC is doing. Since Keith Wyness?s appointment as CHALLC?s CEO last month we have had a significant number of people contacting us, not only to congratulate Keith on his new role but also enquiring how they can get involved in the project.

    ?That level of interest is extremely encouraging and we look forward to taking matters forward with ever-increasing momentum.?

    David White
  • IPL: Ormax Media to track ad recall impact

    MUMBAI: Ormax Media has announced the launch of the third edition of its Cricket Advertising Recall and Effectiveness

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