• SRK starrer Chennai Express storms ahead with Rs 92 crore

    MUMBAI: Rohit Shetty's big budget action-comedy Chennai Express has made the most of the Eid weekend solo release.

  • Eros International and A R Rahman's YM Movies to produce a Hindi film

    MUMBAI: Eros International, a leading global company in the Indian film entertainment industry has announced its plan

  • UTV Stars' new show promises to bring the box-office home

    Submitted by ITV Production on Aug 12

    MUMBAI: UTV Star, a channel from the UTV bouquet, was launched with the promise of being the intimate insider of Bollywood. And keeping to it, the channel has started a new show - Box Office Live.

    The show will catch the pulse of the nation on every new release and promises to be the ?sensex? of Indian Cinema by providing its viewers with first-hand information about that day?s release. In addition to viewer?s opinions, the show will also feature a t?te-?-t?te with producers, distributors and studio executives to discuss how the movie is faring at the single and multi-screens across cities.

    Speaking on the show, Disney UTV, UTV Stars media networks director, content & editor Manish Dubey says, "Box Office Live! a yet another significant and path-breaking step fulfilling the long standing commitment of UTV Stars to get Bollywood closer to its audience. As the official channel of Bollywood, it?s our responsibility to give the audiences the real and the big picture of Indian Cinema and this show does exactly that in a format that has not yet been seen on Indian Television."


    The show premiering with Chennai Express? release will be bringing all the box office updates in a three-minute segment hitting every top of the hour throughout the film opening day. It will be talking to the audiences from theatres across the country and provide minute by minute reactions on the day of release enabling the viewer to give his or her personal "Hit" or "Miss" verdict.

    The show is hosted by Sunanda Wong, a Bollywood and lifestyle journalist, who has over five years of experience up her sleeves.

  • Krrish 3 trailer crosses 7.75 mn views in less than a week

    MUMBAI: Bollywood seems to be taking over YouTube in a big way.

  • Dilip Venkatraman bids adieu to TV18, to pursue entrepreneurial interests

    Submitted by ITV Production on Aug 12

    MUMBAI: CNN-IBN and IBN7 CEO N. Dilip Venkatraman has decided to move on from his role in order to pursue his entrepreneurial interests. During his eight year stint, Venkatraman managed a variety of mandates on the general news side of the group. Prior to his current role, he led marketing operations for CNN-IBN, IBN7 and IBN-Lokmat and also managed IBN Focus, the customised media solutions unit for these news channels.

    CNN-IBN and IBN7 CEO N. Dilip Venkatraman had a great experience with the group and now looks forward for newer challenges

    Apart from his leadership role in building CNN-IBN into one of the country‘s most reputed news brands, Venkatraman is well-known for conceptualising benchmark properties at the IBN News Network. Network18 COO Ajay Chacko will oversee the operations of the IBN News Network in the interim.

    Speaking on this development, Network18 group CEO B. Sai Kumar said "Dilip has played a pivotal role in building our general news network, right from the outset. Today, CNN-IBN, IBN7 and IBN-Lokmat are benchmark brands in the general news space and Dilip has contributed significantly to laying such a strong foundation for the future. We thank him for his invaluable contribution and commitment to the group."

    Commenting on this, IBN News Network editor-in-chief Rajdeep Sardesai added "Dilip‘s passion and leadership has been instrumental in making the IBN News Network into one of the most trusted news voices in the country today. He has been a great colleague and we wish him the very best for his future endeavors."

    N. Dilip Venkatraman added "The past few years have been one of the most fulfilling and exciting phases of my professional career. I‘m thankful to all my colleagues who have been a part of this enriching journey and I now look forward to taking on newer challenges."

    Venkatraman has over two decades of corporate experience and prior to joining TV18, he held leadership positions at the India Today Group and Zee Network. Venkatraman is a graduate in public administration and holds management qualifications from IIM Bangalore and Harvard Business School.

  • Vin Diesel in talks to join 'Guardians Of The Galaxy'

    MUMBAI: Vin Diesel just might be Groot.

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