Fox's new reality show to put a spin on gender roles

MUMBAI: US broadcaster Fox will expose the battle of the sexes, turning traditional gender roles upside-down and giving women all the power on When Women Rule The World.

The release date will be announced later.

What if it was a womans world? What if women made all the decisions and men are their subjects? These questions and more will be explored when a group of strong, educated and independent women, tired of living in a mans world and each with a personal axe to grind, rule over a group of unsuspecting men used to calling the shots on the show.

The show will reveal how women and men react in a world where women are in charge and men are subservient, and each genders ability to adapt to a new social order will be put to the test.
The participants will be brought to a remote, primitive location where the women will have the opportunity to rule as they build a newly formed society one where there is no glass ceiling and no need to dress to impress. For the men, their worlds of power and prestige are turned inside-out and upside-down. And for these women, turnabout is fair play.

In order to win, the men must accede to the womens every command, 24/7, while building a new world. Here, women command and men obey. Over the series duration, the men will be eliminated by the women until one last man is standing.

English Entertainment
