The power of networking in business and forging meaningful connections

Mumbai: Networking is a crucial skill for success in business. It allows you to build relationships, get introduced to new opportunities, and gain insights and advice from others. However, networking effectively goes beyond just showing up to events and collecting business cards. It's about creating and nurturing mutually beneficial connections. Here are some tips on utilising the power of networking and forging meaningful relationships in business:

Focus on giving first, not just taking

The most effective networkers approach relationships with a generous mindset. Look for ways you can offer value to others through your expertise, connections, or support. Help make introductions between people in your network who would benefit from knowing each other. Share interesting articles, tips, or other useful information with your contacts. Don't just look at what someone can do for you.

Build rapport and trust  

Take time to establish rapport with key contacts. Get to know them personally beyond just professional titles. Build trust by being reliable, honest, and showing interest in who they are as individuals. Follow through on commitments you make and recommend others only if you truly believe there is a good fit. The stronger the rapport, the more willing contacts will be to help you out.

Stay visible and connect regularly

Don't just reach out to your network when you need something. Maintain regular contact to nurture relationships over time. Periodically send updates on your latest projects, make phone calls to catch up, and connect face-to-face when possible. Look for opportunities to provide value to others along the way. The more engaged you are, the more likely your contacts will think of you when an opportunity arises.  

Listen and ask thoughtful questions

When connecting with new contacts, practice active listening skills. Learn about their experience, interests, challenges, and goals. Then engage them with thoughtful, open-ended questions to uncover areas where you may be able to collaborate, make helpful introductions, or support them in other ways. Take a genuine interest.

Expand your circles

Look for opportunities to meet new people and add fresh connections to your pipeline. Attend industry events, conferences, and seminars that put you in front of different audiences. Engage fellow attendees before and after events. Follow up afterward to continue the conversation. Over time, you will organically build an expanded, diverse network.

Create win-win opportunities

The most meaningful connections are grounded in finding mutual benefits. When you successfully bring together the right people or resources, you add value for everyone involved. Brainstorm creative ways to generate these win-win scenarios that allow you and your contacts to help each other move forward. This could include job opportunities, speaking engagements, new client introductions, press exposure, funding connections, or beneficial partnerships.

In business, who you know is very important. But it's the strength and reciprocity within those relationships that generate the greatest returns. Be strategic and thoughtful about cultivating your network. The more you can forged meaningful connections based on trust and generosity, the further it will take you.

The author of this article entrepreneur and RiSAA IVF and CEO Dr Saarthak Bakshi.