MPL announces Bug Bounty programme; aims to bolster the player-first approach to enhance user security

Mumbai: Mobile and skill gaming platform MPL has launched a Bug Bounty programme with the aim of strengthening the security of the users and continuing to provide a safe and fair gameplay environment. The programme will reward security researchers with up to Rs 10 lakhs for successfully identifying a valid vulnerability on MPL. This is open to researchers globally, and reports that address valid security vulnerabilities that are within the scope of the programme will be eligible for the rewards and recognition.

With the Bug Bounty programme, MPL will not just focus on identifying security vulnerabilities but will also make targeted efforts to devise a timely resolution to tackle them.

This initiative is aligned to the company’s player-first approach that considers the safety and security of the users as its topmost priority.

Interestingly, the MPL Bug Bounty programme does not restrict its scope to just identifying security loopholes but also allows researchers to report any possibility of fraud that could give a player an unfair advantage. The programme encourages reports on instances that can enable a player to compromise with the gameplay or the outcomes, like winning a game without playing, altering the gameplay, or even posting outrageous scores. Along with this, reporting of any vulnerability that can target the users on the platform, like taking over user accounts or dumping user data, also falls within the scope of the program.

MPL VP of security and compliance Ruchir Patwa said, "At MPL we are always committed to the player-first approach and the Bug Bounty programme has been launched to continue our efforts towards enhancing the user security and safe playing experience on our platform. With this, we also intend to reward and recognise some of the good samaritans of the gaming fraternity. We look forward to some great collaborations with researchers across the globe and will continue to create the best gaming experiences for all our users."

MPL will also recognise the contributions of the researchers who have submitted the most insightful reports by featuring them in the Bug Bounty Hall of Fame page.