Senior Citizen Awards: Curtain Raiser

MUMBAI: CNN-IBN, in partnership with Paranjape Schemes Construction Limited announces the first edition of Senior Citizen Awards to recognize and honour the elderly who have made a notable contribution to the society. The first episode will introduce the idea behind the awards and emphasise on the issues which come with old age, threats which we as a society pose to our senior citizens and what inspires them to serve the society unconditionally even after retirement. On the show, esteemed personalities such as former IPS officer Kiran Bedi, image guru Dilip Cherian, known RTI activist Commodore Lokesh Batra, and Paranjape Schemes Managing Director Shashank Paranjape will come together to discuss the importance of our elderly generation.

Watch the first episode of Senior Citizen Awards on Sat, 9th Nov @ 1:30 PM and repeat telecast on 7.30 PM only on CNN-IBN.