Adapt My Web: making the web accessible to all

MUMBAI: There are currently more than 600 million active websites in France.

Digital transformation has become an integral part of our daily lives and will become more important in the years to come.

However, in this digital age, more than 2.5 million people with visual or reading disabilities are excluded and therefore don’t have access to information. According to the European Parliament, in 2020, 120 million people in the European Union and more than 20% of the US population (115 million people) will suffer from a disability and will have difficulty accessing the internet.

In  a  world  where  the  smallest administrative procedure,  source  of  information or  a  simple communication takes place on the Internet, these millions of people suffer and they’re disadvantaged when using digital tools.

An immediate and instant solution exists. This resource can reduce the inequalities and promote inclusion during the digital evolution : Adapt My Web : The Accessibility Solution.