Air Deccan to sell tickets through mobile vans

BANGALORE: In a trial run, airliner Air Deccan will sell its air tickets by mobile vans at three places in Bangalore - M G Road, BDA Complex, Koramanagla and outside Woody's on Commercial street.
The 'van ticketing counter' fleet is to be strengthened to 20 over the next few months in the city based on the results of this experiment. The company plans to start similar mobile counters across the country as well.
Air Deccan has launched this innovative way of selling airline tickets in collaboration with My Moon Air Travel Agency. Maruti vans hired by the travel agency installed with web-enabled services will serve as mobile ticketing counters to sell tickets six days a week (Monday to Saturday) and payments could be made in cash or by cards.
The mobile ticketing centers will be connected to a central reservation system to enable provide confirmation of the tickets.