Sony LIV launches microsite for Boogie Woogie

MUMBAI:  As the iconic dance reality show, Boogie Woogie, returned on television sets after a four-year long wait, Sony LIV has launched a microsite which allows viewers to catch up on all the current and archived episodes.  The microsite is <

Sony Entertainment Network executive vice-president –new media, business development and digital/syndication Nitesh Kripalani said, “Boogie Woogie has been the longest-running and one-of-the most successful dance shows on Indian television. Sony LIV gives viewers the opportunity to tune in to the new season without losing the thread of the show’s running episodes. Diehard viewers can catch up with missed episodes using Sony LIV’s online platform. As an added bonus, true blue fans of one of the most entertaining and beloved shows on television can even relive the fun moments of earlier seasons from its 15 year stint through our archives online.”

In addition, new features have been introduced to enhance viewer engagement with the show. These include: Boogie of the day: Sony LIV users can vote for their favourite, dance videos depending on which contestant they like best and I am a street dancer:  Users can upload videos of their kids dancing ‘Boogie Woogie style’ and thus share it with fellow dance lovers on the site.