Warner Bros' revamps Bugs Bunny for futurisitc 'Loonatics'

MUMBAI: Warner Bros' cartoon icon Bugs Bunny and his gang will be updated for a future show Loonatics.

The WB network will take the famed Looney Tunes characters as models for the new series that will air on Saturday mornings in the US later this year.

The show will be set 700 years into the future. The descendants of Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, the Road Runner, Lola Bunny, Tasmanian Devil and Wile E. Coyote are a team of comical superheroes. They have to battle against the evils of Acmetropolis.

Kids' WB senior VP and GM Betsy McGowen said, "The series is a re-imagining of the world's beloved antic band of animated entertainers, and is intended to broaden the top-rated kids' block's audience."

Kids' WB president David Janollari said, "We all flipped for it. We just said, `Wow, what a great way to take the classic Looney Tunes franchise that has been huge with audiences for decades and bring it into the new millennium.'"

At a meeting to announce the year's programming schedule Janollari said both boys and girls enjoyed the new action figures in test runs of the show. Their parents may be a little surprised, however. "I think the legacy is intact. If anything, it is a homage to the legacy instead of a destruction of the legacy."