'This Is Us' nears fruition on Star World Premiere HD

MUMBAI: If the season, right since its inception has been any indication, viewers must start emotionally preparing for what is about to be a heartwarming yet tear-jerking finale on audience favorite and critically acclaimed TV show -This Is Us. The show will air on Star World Premiere HD on 18 March at 10 pm.

The family drama, starring a stellar ensemble cast comprising of Mandy Moore, Milo Ventimiglia, Justin Hartley, Sterling K Brown, Chrissy Metz among othersis one of the biggest hits of 2016 and has managed to captivate a huge fan basein a very short period of time from the show’s very first episode.

Having started off in a pleasant place where a pregnant Rebecca is seducing her husband before her water breaks and rapidly progressing to a place where Rebecca is in pain for losing one of her newborn triplets, audiences understood the bittersweet dynamics of the show that would continue to haunt them long after the episode is over. Now, so close to its grand ending, viewers are expecting the episode to close some of the most important questions that they have rattled their minds over all season long! How did Jack die? How did Miguel and Rebecca come about to be? Why does Kate hold herself responsible for her father’s death? Will Kevin and Sophie finally get back together?

During last week's penultimate episode, the timeline moved back and forth with the Pearson family celebrating William's life in the present and Rebecca leaving home to go to Cleveland on-tour with her band, in the past. The official synopsis, now, for the finale episode states: In the first-season finale, Jack heads to Cleveland to make things right with Rebecca on the night of her first big gig with the band. Then, Randall, Kate and Kevin make big decisions about their futures.

“We're going to destroy America by the end of the season,” Moore divulged in a statement last week around the finale, “As if they don't have enough to be upset about at this point in time, anyway,” she added.

With Jack taking the command over the steering wheel, very drunk, in the last episode and the synopsis revealing that he in fact heads to Cleveland; will this be the end for Jack?

Ventimiglia, the man who plays Jack, wants the fans to at least brace for the possibility that this maybe the defining moment of the season, “People want to know what happens with Jack. This may be the time when they find out.”

The series has already been renewed for the second and third season, so will the loose ends be taken forward to the next seasons? Or will we gain closure this season and wait for another heavy weight season, filled with other reveals from the Pearson family?