Sony Le Plex HD to premiere Smith's fight for justice in 'Concussion'

MUMBAI: Sony Le Plex HD brings the story of a doctor’s single-handed fight to save lives from brain damage with the premiere of Concussion. The movie airs on 18 December at 1 pm and 9 pm.

Based in Pittsburgh, the movie is inspired by real life incidents in the early 2000 when the National Football League (NFL) players were suspected of dying due to brain degeneration or Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE). The movie captures the relentless efforts of Dr. Bennet Omalu who constantly strives to save these players lives. Dr. Bennet Omalu, played by Will Smith, is fighting a tough battle against the NFL who are keen to dismiss his research on the long-term effects of repeated blows on the head of the players.

The movie takes you to the times when living the American dream was fostered by one and all. Powerful dialogues paired with brilliant cinematography, Concussion boasts off great performances by Will Smith and veteran actor Alec Baldwin, which creates a masterpiece worth watching.

Directed by Peter Landesman, Concussion is a gripping story with powerful dialogues and great performances. Produced by Ridley Scott, the movie has received rave reviews from the critics and audience both. Will Smith has also won numerous awards and nominations in the Best Actor category for his portrayal as Dr. Bennet Omalu.

English Entertainment
