Globecast, MEASAT to aid Bright Lights’ HD pay-TV channel launch

MUMBAI: Bright Lights Media has selected Globecast to provide a comprehensive suite of services for the launch of a new High Definition pay-TV channel in Southeast Asia called Simply Money.


The HD channel will be carried on the MEASAT-3 satellite, the premier satellite for HD channel distribution across the wider Asia Pacific region. MEASAT-3 is co-located with MEASAT-3a and MEASAT-3b at 91.5°E, creating Asia’s most vibrant and robust video hotslot.


Producing locally relevant high-quality personal finance-lifestyle content, Simply Money will also acquire programming from around the world, carefully selected for viewers in Southeast Asia.


Globecast will be supplying Simply Money with an end-to-end media management solution from its media centre in Mediapolis, Singapore. The solution includes fully managed playout, content preparation and quality control. Globecast will also be providing regulatory compliance review and editing to ensure that content is compliant with regulatory requirements for distribution across Southeast Asia.


Bright Lights Media CEO Anshuman Misra said, “We are very pleased to engage with Globecast, using a range of its services to ensure both high-quality output as well as a cost-effective result. Globecast has a clear understanding of what we are trying to achieve and has helped us to develop our content management and playout and distribution plans.”


Globecast Asia managing director Yew Weng Soo added, “This deal reinforces Globecast’s position as the complete media services company with our highly evolved global expertise across the content and channel preparation sectors. This sits alongside our long-established playout and distribution services and we’re very pleased that Simply Money has selected us.”


MEASAT vice president - broadcast sales Jarod Lopez said, “We are pleased to partner with Globecast in the distribution of Simply Money, which further strengthens MEASAT’s HD bouquet at 91.5°E. The 91.5°E video hotslot leads Asia with more than 60 distributed HD channels.”