Integrated measurement strategies for omnichannel campaigns

Mumbai: As consumer behavior is shifting, traditional brand marketing is becoming more and more lackluster. Moreover, the growing digital society has changed the way consumers perceive and purchase products.

Whether it's a commercial or an email or a display in the mall, every brand interaction along the shopper’s path plays a significant role in their decision to ultimately buy a product. An omnichannel campaign is the seamless integration and cooperation of branding, messaging, and online and offline touchpoints for consumers, enabling them a more impactful customer experience. Unlike Multichannel campaigns, which sound similar to Omnichannel campaigns, the latter refers to a brand’s holistic approach to every customer touchpoint across channels instead of just an umbrella term that involves multiple channels.

Integrated measurement strategies for omnichannel campaigns involve combining data from multiple channels to gain a comprehensive understanding of how a campaign is performing across all touchpoints.

Here are a few integrated measurement strategies for Omnichannel campaigns:

1.    Identify your channels: Depending upon your objectives, determine which channels you will be using in your omnichannel campaigns, such as social media, email, paid search, display ads, and offline channels like in-store promotions or events.

2.    Data Collection & Analysis: Collecting accurate, timely data about your consumers is essential to the implementation of an omnichannel strategy. Use analytics tools like Google Analytics or Adobe Analytics to gather data and analyze performance. This data should be used to optimize your campaign continuously.

3.    Attribution Modeling: This strategy involves assigning credit for a conversion or sale to the channels and touchpoints that led to it. Without the proper attribution model in place, it can be difficult to answer which touchpoint should get credit for the conversion.

Attribution modeling helps to determine which channels are most effective at driving conversions. Multi-touch attribution (MTA) and Media Mix Modeling (MMM) are the commonly used models.  

4.    Establish Key performance indicators (KPIs): Identify the KPIs that are specific to your campaign objectives and channels. For example, if your objective is to drive sales, you might track conversion rates, revenue generated, or average order value. If your objective is to develop brand awareness, you should focus on Cost Per Impression (CPM), and indicators such as patterns in direct website traffic or the number of social followers.

5.    Customer Lifetime Value (CLV): This strategy involves calculating the value of a customer over their lifetime, taking into account all of their purchases and interactions with the brand across multiple channels. CLV helps to identify the most valuable customers and can inform marketing strategies to retain and upsell them.

6.    Remarketing: Omnichannel remarketing takes into consideration the consumers who are already familiar with your brand and more likely interested in what you have to sell. It is one of the most effective strategies for the B2B sector as it reminds customers about the products or services they liked.

By using these strategies, your omnichannel campaign allows you to track performance across all touchpoints and optimize your campaign for maximum impact. It gives a better understanding of how Omnichannel campaigns are performing.

An example of an online channel would be any form of email marketing. After customers purchase a product, they receive an email like a special offer or a coupon that gives them the incentive to return. There could be further weekly or monthly subscription-based email interactions from the brand that remind customers of a new product launch or service. If the customer is satisfied with the earlier purchase, they are more likely to purchase again.

The author of this article is Globale Media CEO & founder Bhavesh Talreja