Guest Article: Branding is crucial for Startups in India

Guest Article: Branding is crucial for Startups in India

A strong brand helps a startup to build a positive reputation.

Mumbai: Branding is important when you're building a company that's going to make an impact in this rapidly changing world. Starting a business in India is a daunting task, with many hurdles to overcome. However, one of the most important considerations for any startup should be ‘how to brand themselves, right’. A strong brand can help a startup stand out in an extremely crowded market, attract your tribe (customers and employees) and potential investors and ultimately lead to success. 

One of the main reasons why startups in India need to brand themselves right is the intense competition. India is home to a large and growing number of startups, with new businesses popping up all the time. This means that startups need to do everything that’s important on the list. First off, consider these questions: Who is my audience? What do I want them to think about me? What do I want them to feel about me? How do I want them to act toward me? Before we even jump onto just colors, fonts and so on.

And no, the logo is not the brand. Sure, logo design is a vital part of branding, but in truth, it’s just one of the aspects of branding. It plays a big role in increasing brand awareness and creating an effective brand recall. But, a brand is much more than that. A brand is a multifaceted concept that encompasses all aspects of a business, from its visual identity to its customer interactions. It is the sum total of a company's image, behavior, and reputation and must be consistently represented across all touchpoints, from physical storefronts to digital platforms and packaging to company messaging. Strong branding is essential for a startup to stand out, be adaptable and be able to evolve as the company grows and develops.

Before we jump into the market and start planning a strategy for various touchpoints, a startup needs to have a clear vision and mission statement that resonates with its target audience as well as the internal team and stakeholders. This will help create an emotional connection evoking the right sentiments that the brand is seeking. The goal should be to make sure that every element of your brand reflects these values so that they are not compromised when things go wrong, or you need to adjust course mid stream.

Building a strong brand can help a startup establish trust and credibility with customers. People are more likely to do business with a company that they trust and view as credible. A strong brand can help a startup establish itself as a reputable and reliable business, which in turn can lead to more customers, increased market share, and higher gains.

Another important aspect of branding for startups in India is the role it plays in building a loyal customer base. A strong brand can help a startup create a sense of community and belonging among its customers, encouraging them to return to the business again and again. This can be especially important for startups in India, as customer loyalty can be difficult to come by in such a competitive market.

India is a diverse country with many different cultures, languages and customs. Therefore, branding for startups in India is to a great extent, localization. A startup that wants to succeed in India needs to be able to connect with all these different groups of people. A strong brand can help a startup do this by creating a message that is localized and relevant to the specific market in which it operates.

When it comes to branding, it's not enough to just be good. You also have to be great. This is especially true in a world where job competition is fierce. It's no surprise that employers are looking for ways to stand out and attract top talent. Branding plays an important role in this process as well. Creating a strong employer brand is important for startups in India as it helps build a positive reputation which is beneficial in attracting and retaining top talent.

A strong foundation and clear purpose are essential for building a successful brand. Like a tree, a growing business must establish solid roots to thrive and expand. It is important for new businesses to make a deliberate effort to establish these roots in order to achieve their goals.

Lastly, a strong brand can help a startup in India build a positive reputation and increase its visibility. A well branded startup is believable and will always communicate a sense of care for its consumer. Branding is a complex and multi-faceted concept that goes beyond just a logo. It is the way a brand behaves and presents itself to customers, the values and beliefs it represents, and the overall experience it provides. Consistency is key when it comes to building a brand over time but that does not mean being inflexible or limiting creativity. A brand should be able to evolve and adapt to changing times, but it should always stay true to its core values and identity.

The author of this article is Kern Culture founder and chief designer Shriya Nagi.