Niladri Datta joins Buffalo Soldiers as senior advisor - business & growth

Niladri Datta joins Buffalo Soldiers as senior advisor - business & growth

He was the former LG India CMO & business head of washing machine division.

Niladri Datta

Mumbai: Buffalo Soldiers, the fast-growing advertising agency with a digital heart, known for its innovative and fresh approach to campaigns, is thrilled to announce the addition of Niladri Datta as senior advisor - business & growth. This strategic move is set to make some serious impact in the industry.

Datta, a name synonymous with transformative leadership and strategic prowess, brings a wealth of experience and three decades of proven track record to Buffalo Soldiers. His journey through the ranks of major corporations has left a lasting impact on the landscape of Indian business, particularly in the consumer durable agency.

For nearly 15 years, Datta was a pivotal figure at LG Electronics where his roles were diverse & influential - including stints as chief marketing officer (CMO) as well as heading products/modern trade/e-commerce etc. As a leader of the washing machine business for a decade, he ensured LG as the leading brand in the consumer durable industry.

Before joining Buffalo Soldiers, Datta also made significant contributions at IFB, one of India’s leading home-grown appliances brands. He served in different positions before becoming All India Marketing Head for seven years and later joined back as vice president – head of marketing and strategy for two more years. His strategic initiatives during these tenures not only propelled IFB to new heights but also strengthened its market position across the country.

At Buffalo Soldiers, Datta will be focusing on driving business growth and shaping strategic initiatives that align with the agency’s vision for the future. His expertise in leading cross-functional teams and his deep understanding of the Indian market dynamics are expected to bring fresh perspectives and robust growth strategies to the table.

"Niladri is not just any addition to our team; he's a powerhouse of strategic acumen and market savvy. With him on board, we're all geared up to redefine the way brands engage with their audiences," said Buffalo Soldiers co-founder & CEO of Sumon K Chakrabarti. "His vision aligns perfectly with our goals, and his joining marks a pivotal chapter in our journey towards becoming an industry leader."

Buffalo Soldiers’ is a sector-agnostic agency, with prominent B2C, B2B and Sports verticals. Datta’s role will involve guiding the agency through new challenges and identifying growth opportunities.

“This is a fantastic new chapter in my career, and I am eager to contribute to Buffalo Soldiers’ journey of transformation and breakthroughs in the advertising world,” Niladri Datta expressed. “The opportunity to impact the market with a team as dynamic and passionate as this one is truly invigorating.”

With Datta’s strategic guidance, Buffalo Soldiers is poised to enhance its services and expand its footprint in the competitive landscape of advertising. The agency looks forward to benefiting from his extensive experience and leadership as they continue to deliver cutting-edge solutions to their client partners, helping brands make a more profound impact in their marketing journey.

"Watch this space," added Chakrabarti, "because with Niladri, we're about to take things to the next level."