"We prioritise eco-friendly materials for sustainable fashion”: KAZO's Siddhant Aggarwal

"We prioritise eco-friendly materials for sustainable fashion”: KAZO's Siddhant Aggarwal

KAZO distinguishes itself through innovation, quality, and customer-centricity.


Mumbai: Women's fashion around the world is witnessing a significant evolution, spurred by a blend of innovation, sustainability, and customer-centricity. KAZO, a leading women's fashion brand in Delhi, epitomises this dynamic shift with its fusion of international trends, affordability, and practicality.

From the ongoing 'Flower Power Campaign' celebrating modern women to the brand's commitment to sustainability and personalised shopping experiences, KAZO continues to redefine the fashion landscape, catering to the diverse needs of today's fashion-forward women.

Indiantelevision.com in conversation with KAZO director of operations Siddhant Aggarwal delved into their stand out aspect, their retail operations, strategies, their ongoing 'Flower Power’ campaign and more…

Edited Excerpts:

On KAZO differentiating itself from it competitors

KAZO distinguishes itself from competitors through a meticulously crafted blend of innovation, quality, and customer-centricity. Our commitment to innovation sets us apart. We continuously invest in research and development, ensuring our products feature cutting-edge designs, innovative prints, and trendy elements. By staying ahead of industry trends, we not only meet but exceed customer expectations, establishing KAZO as a trendsetter in the market.

Furthermore, quality is ingrained in every facet of our operations. From sourcing high-quality raw materials to manufacturing processes, we adhere to rigorous quality control standards. This unwavering commitment to excellence ensures that each product bearing the KAZO name embodies superior craftsmanship and durability, fostering trust and loyalty among our target customers.

On approaching operations and strategising at KAZO to ensure the brand's continued success

Strategic planning is at the core of our operations. We conduct comprehensive market analyses and competitor assessments to identify emerging trends and opportunities. Through cross-functional team collaborations, we formulate robust strategies that capitalize on market dynamics while mitigating risks. These strategies encompass product development, marketing initiatives, and expansion plans, all aligned with our overarching business objectives.

Furthermore, we prioritise innovation as a cornerstone of our strategic approach. By fostering a culture of creativity and continuous improvement, we encourage our teams to explore new ideas and solutions. This commitment to innovation enables us to stay ahead of the curve, introducing groundbreaking products and experiences that resonate with our target audience.

On KAZO managing its retail operations both online and offline to cater to diverse customer preferences

At KAZO, our retail strategy seamlessly integrates both physical and digital channels to cater to diverse customer base. We prioritize consistency across touchpoints, ensuring a uniform brand experience regardless of the platform chosen by our customers. This entails synchronized inventory management, pricing parity, and cohesive branding elements across all channels.

By leveraging data-driven insights, we tailor our offerings and marketing initiatives to align with customer behaviors and preferences. Furthermore, to ensure consistency and availability of products across channels, KAZO implements integrated inventory management system, Onebeat.

KAZO fosters meaningful connections with its diverse customer base through proactive engagement initiatives. This includes social media interactions, loyalty programs, innovative online campaigns, and in-store events designed to resonate with different segments of the target audience.

On the ongoing 'Flower Power Campaign' and KAZO's execution of this on-ground activation; and the impact that you anticipate it will have on brand engagement and sales

The ongoing 'Flower Power Campaign' by KAZO transcends being a mere showcase of exquisite prints and vibrant blooms; it's a heartfelt celebration of today's modern women—those who radiate confidence, elegance, and grace. With models walking through bustling mall pathways, each carrying an exquisite KAZO tote bag brimming with flower bouquets, it's not just about handing flowers; it's about offering a moment of joy, a token of appreciation for the multifaceted woman. The aim is to make every woman feel valued, celebrated, and empowered when they walk through our doors, recognizing that true style isn't just about what you wear; it's about how you feel when you wear it.

The campaign has received accolades from diverse audiences for its uniqueness and innovation. Having successfully executed the event in two malls where our stores are located, we are excited to expand and showcase this campaign in more areas nationwide, anticipating a significant impact on brand engagement and sales as we continue to connect with our audience on a deeper level.

On KAZO maintaining a balance between affordability, sustainability, and practicality while offering a fusion of international trends to Indian women

At KAZO, maintaining a delicate balance between affordability, sustainability, and practicality while infusing international trends into our offerings for Indian women is paramount. With a customer-centric approach, our designs are meticulously tailored to meet the diverse preferences of our customers. While we remain abreast of global fashion trends, we continuously introduce new product ranges, absorbing associated costs to ensure added value for our customers without compromising quality or affordability.

Emphasizing our commitment to sustainability, we prioritize inclusion of eco-friendly materials such as BCI cotton, recycled polyester, and natural fabrics, further minimizing our environmental footprint. By integrating recycled materials into our designs, we actively contribute to resource conservation and waste reduction, underscoring our dedication to both style and sustainability.

KAZO also understands that practicality is key for everyday and occasion wear. While staying on-trend, we design clothing that is comfortable, functional, and suitable for diverse occasions. Be it for work, social scenes or glamorous evenings, our versatile pieces can be easily styled for different settings, ensuring proper sizing and fit.

On the unique challenges and opportunities that KAZO encounters while catering to the modern Indian woman's fashion needs


●    Rapid shifts in fashion preferences and evolving shopping habits require constant adaptation to meet changing consumer demands.

●    By competing with a multitude of fashion brands in India's competitive market, this demands unique differentiation strategies to carve out a distinctive niche.

●    Ensuring environmentally responsible production practices while maintaining affordability poses logistical and cost challenges for KAZO.

●    Addressing the diverse fashion preferences across different regions of India requires tailored marketing and product offerings to effectively reach target audiences.


●    With a brand ambassador onboard, there is an opportunity to leverage their influence and reach to enhance brand visibility and credibility.

●    Implementing data-driven personalisation across online platforms, seamlessly integrating loyalty programs, CRM, and exclusive offers to enhance the in-store experience and build long-lasting customer relationships.

●    Leveraging sustainability, including eco-friendly materials, ethical production, and circular fashion practices, aligns with current consumer preferences and can set KAZO apart in the international market.

●    Offering personalized shopping experiences and customizable products can enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty, setting KAZO apart in the market and fostering deeper connections with consumers.

On the emerging women's fashion trends that you foresee, shaping the industry in the upcoming seasons

1.   As Gen Z consumers are taking center stage, the demand for their preferences is on the rise which focuses on prioritizing comfort, lightweight and breathable fabrics, and durable, premium-quality clothing.

2.   The pandemic highlighted the importance of local businesses and production. Some consumers are prioritizing locally-made and sustainable products, creating opportunities for homegrown fashion brands like KAZO.

3.   Circular fashion practices, including recycling and upcycling, are becoming more prominent as sustainability takes center stage.

4.   The adoption of eco-friendly materials, ethical production practices, and transparent supply chains becomes pivotal in satisfying consumer expectations for conscious clothing.

5.   AI-powered personalisation will enhance the shopping experience, offering tailored recommendations and improving customer satisfaction.